About Us

Definition Of Unlawful Detainer: An Unlawful Detainer is one of the legal actions for a landlord to evict a tenant(s) from rental property.
Sometimes an eviction requires a lawyer, but sometimes they don't and an Unlawful Detainer Assistant may be all you need. If you know which court papers you need to file, but just don't have the time to do it yourself, or you are tired of the headaches that come along the process, then give us a call and maybe we can help. We will prepare your court papers, provide them to you to review and sign, file them with the court, arrange for the filed eviction papers to be served by a registered process server, and deliver the Writ to the Sheriff for the lockout.
It is common knowledge that Corporations, LLCs and Unincorporated Associations are not allowed to file court papers in "Pro Per", and therefore they require an attorney to represent them in all situations, and therefore T. Ross Consulting, UDA is not able to prepare documents for those types of business entities. We are limited to preparing eviction documents for individuals, partnerships, trustees and assigness. If you require an attorney to file your paperwork, please contact us and we can set you up with an attorney for an additional fee.
Remember, T Ross Consulting, UDA cannot represent you in court-- but we can, and will, help you prepare the legal documents to get your rental property back!
(See Cal. Bus.&Prof. Code sec. 6400, et seq. for more info regarding Unlawful Detainer Assistants)
Disclaimer: Owner Tomas Ross is a licensed attorney, however, T. Ross Consutling, UDA is offering low-cost non-attorney services. By hiring T. Ross Consulting, UDA you are not retaining Mr. Ross as an attorney and there is no attorney-client relationship actual or implied.
Copyright 2012 © FresnoCountyEvictions.com by T. Ross Consulting, Unlawful Detainer Assistants
All Rights Reserved.
T. Ross Consulting, Unlawful Detainer Assistants is not a law firm and cannot give you legal advice or represent you in court. We can lawfully provide you with self-help legal document preparation at your specific direction.